Saturday, December 1, 2007

Weston Place Guildford Street

George & Linda lived at No. 1 to early 2nd World War and No.2 afterwards

1 & 2 Weston Place back of 177 Guildford Street. Single reception, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, no bathroom, electric lighting downstairs, gas lighting upperDescription is of No. 2 the main difference between 1 being orientation.

Front door leads directly into front reception room of circa 12 * 12 feet (4 * 4 metres). On the left is the flat party wall. To the right is an upper half bay window with aspect to front. The left wall to that contains firstly in the alcove a full height storage cupboard, next is the chimney breast containing an open fireplace, followed by an open alcove. Door in the opposite wall to front and 3 feet in from party wall gives access to rear kitchen

Being 9 * 12 feet (12*12 into pantry), on entrance to the left is an under the stairs pantry, at the end is doorway leading to bedrooms. To the right is wall separating reception room. The wall to the left of that has an alcove with gas oven, small cooking range built into chimney breast and sink in the adjoining alcove. The rear wall contains a flat paned window and door to garden and outside facilities.

Directly opposite top of stairs is door to front bedroom, to the left is doorway to rear bedroom. Both bedrooms are of similar size of 12 * 12 feet with flat sash windows giving rear and front aspects, gas wall and ceiling lighting points.

Rear exterior
Door leads firstly to an undercover area then to adjoining coal store and housing for toilet having flushing cistern. A few feet further on is a wooden garden shed, alongside that is a single pathway that leads from rear door to single half gate giving access to rear passageway; the remaining garden, right of pathway, being mainly laid to vegetables.

Front exterior
Single pathway in front of bay window and door also gives access to No. 1. To the left of that is a good sized garden which is divided into vegetable and garden plots, bounded by fences on three sides and hedge at rear.

Access to the property from Guildford Street is via an enclosed wide entry, following on from that is a good sized play area to the right. At the end and to the left is a single pathway leading on the right to houses 3 – 5, to the left 1 & 2 and continuing between houses 2 & 3 giving access to rear gardens of 1 – 5. The group of separately enclosed gardens are bounded by high brick walls of factory units to the left and right and dividing wall of other housing blocks.

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